My Story

I cut my writing teeth as a reporter for a chain of rural Florida weekly newspapers, covering everything from 75th wedding anniversary parties to drug plane crashes. The furrows of life hold the seeds for tales that make us wonder, laugh, think, and cry. Fertilized with faith, they inspire and encourage. That’s my goal.
Parables from the Track
Against all odds, I became a stock car racing fan. Not only did I discover that the sport involved more than turning left, but it also became even more clear why the apostle Paul compared the life of Christ followers to a race.

NASCAR is the only sport I know of that begins each event with a prayer which still ends, occasionally at least, “in Jesus’ name.” So I figured there might be some fans who would appreciate an occasional devotion written with them in mind.
And because race fans like to go fast, these are pretty short and to the point.
To the finish!
…and let us run with endurance the race set before us… Hebrews 12:1
Bits of Clay

Life is at once funny, tragic, beautiful, confusing, and much more. Christ followers view the world from a perspective that requires us to look beyond the obvious to find significance. This is about being shaped by God’s word to see the world around us differently.